Dragons BR Mark 1 Coach Pack

Dragons BR Mark 1 Coach Pack


This pack requires the Immersive Railroading mod

Welcome to the Mark 1 Megapack, with a wide variety of British railways Mark 1 coaches, variants and liveries from all eras! designed to cover as much as possible to allow varied and detailed consists!


  • SK - Second Class Corridor
  • CK - Composite Class Corridor
  • FK - First Class Corridor
  • BSK - Brake Second Corridor
  • BCK - Brake Composite Corridor
  • TSO - Tourist Second Open
  • BSO - Brake Second Open
  • RSO - Restaurant Second Open
  • RFO - Restaurant First Open
  • RMB - Restaurant Mini Buffet
  • RBR - Restaurant Buffet Refurbished
  • RKB- Restaurant Buffet with Kitchen
  • BG - 57' Full Brake
  • NSA - Sorting Van
  • NSX - Sorting Van with Equipment
  • NTA - Stowage Van
  • GUV - General Utility Van

 Do not copy or modify any models within this pack without direct permission from myself. no exceptions

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