Pack Description
Eggo’s World aims to make the vanilla experience more interesting in three different ways.
If you do decide to download the pack. I suggest to return to this page every now and then to check for updates.
You can also join my discord to recieve notifications automaticly.
This pack requires optifine.
This part adds more textures for existing mobs. There are now variations for the following mobs:
-8 Enderman
-2 Ghasts
-2 Iron Golems
-16 Slimes
-9 Crawlers (Spiders have been renamed to Crawlers)
-3 Squids
-10 Glow Squids
-7 Guardians
-12 Phantoms
-6 Blazes
-More variations are coming
Next to variated textures there are also some texture fixes and some changes to plant life.
Weapons and Armour:
This part adds more weapon and armour textures that can be obtained by renaming your existing equipment. To obtain a custom armour or weapon texture you first need to obtain the base armour or weapon for that tier of equipment. If you for instance want a Bronze Chestplate, you first need to obtain a Golden Chestplate. Then you go to an anvil and rename your Chestplate.
"Golden Chestplate" > "Bronze Chestplate"
You now have a Bronze Chestplate. You can also get a crown in place of a helmet. To do this you need to rename your helmet.
"Diamond Helmet" > "Diamond Crown"
Good luck and have fun.
Currently there are tirtheen different sets:
Iron tier
-Iron set
-Steel set
-Silver set
Gold tier
-Golden set
-Bronze set
-Copper set
Diamond tier
-Diamond set
-Emerald set
-Ruby set
-Amethyst set
Netherite tier
-Netherite set
-Classic set
-Molten set
Glowing Ores:
All ores now glow in the dark. This way you can find them easier in large caverns.
This pack requires optifine. You can download it here.
If you have optifine installed you must go to the quality settings in the video settings and check that the following settings are turned on:
-Emissive textures
-Custom entity models
-Random entity textures
Join the discord server to discuss the pack, share screenshots, give suggestions, ask questions and report bugs and errors that slipped trough.
Follow me on Instagram to recieve posts about updates, sneak peaks and behind the scenes content.
This pack uses textures that originate from the following places:
-Vanilla Tweaks.
-Autentic Shadows by liahim85.