End Remastered Datapack

End Remastered Datapack

Eye Summary

Eye Summary

A helpful list of clues as to where a player can find the required special eyes of ender.
Portal Opening

Portal Opening

Once a player has 12 unique eyes of ender, they can use them to open the portal to The End.
Witch Eye

Witch Eye

Some of the special eyes a player can obtain must be crafted from unique drops. Recipes for these items will be revealed when the ingredients are found.
Magical Eye

Magical Eye

Some of the special eyes players must collect come from mob drops. This datapack DOES NOT over-write vanilla loot tables, but instead injects the special loot, making this datapack compatible with other loot-table datapacks.
Lost Eye

Lost Eye

Some of the special eyes players must collect come from vanilla loot chests. This datapack DOES NOT over-write vanilla loot tables, but instead injects the special loot, making this datapack compatible with other loot-table datapacks.