Etomic Pack 3D [Discontinued]

Etomic Pack 3D [Discontinued]


This is still in development so don't expect to see much content right now.
Currently Contains:
• 3D Crafting Table
• 3D Iron Block
• 3D Diamond Block
• 3D Diamond Ore
• 3D Gold Block
• 3D Emerald Block
• 3D Rail (Only on the ground, not curved or going up / down a block, also not done with the other types of rails.)
• 3D Redstone Block
• 3D Stripped Oak Log
• 3D Quartz Pillar
• A few animated items

Update comming soon! 

You can give me feedback if you want anything in the pack you would like to see!

Don't want 3D and just animated items? Click here!