Flizo's Farmlife - Fresh Textures

Flizo's Farmlife - Fresh Textures


--- The Updated Textures ---

- Cow
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken

- Wooden, Stone, Iron, Golden, Diamond, and Netherite Hoes

- Cow Head (Replaced Alban Painting)

--- Notes ---

- This pack will NOT work in Bedrock Edition
- using this pack with 1.16 or older may only apply the Gray Wolf textures or may not work at all
- this single pack will work with 1.16.2 and 1.20.6

--- Installation ---

  1. download the .zip file for your Minecraft version
  2. place the .zip file in the resourcepack folder in .minecraft (found by pressing Win + R, typing "%appdata%" without quotes, then pressing Enter)
  3. launch Minecraft and add the resource pack in the resource pack menu (Launch Minecraft -> Settings -> Resource Packs)
  4. done, thats how easy it can be