Forgotten Lands Revived by Mirthos

Forgotten Lands Revived by Mirthos


Hello there one and everyone!

What to expect from me from this point forward with the pack:

-It will be updated and working with the latest versions of the game, with blocks being renamed or changed to work with the newest format of the game.

-New block's, mob's, and item's being added whenever I can. I love this pack to much to not try (plus it helps me become a better artist).

-Keeping with the packs theme and staying true (as much as I can) to the pack identity.

Here is the link to my post on the minecraft forum should you wish to see where I started this pack before bringing it here.



The pack is still underway! Please look forward to what I have planned for 1.16! As for 1.15 I am probably not going to put my own spin on these blocks, we shall see if I can think of anything that might still look good in the pack.

As far as villagers go I have some idea's that might work but they might be awhile so default villagers might just be the norm for now till I get this off the ground.


Current plans for the pack, what needs to be done and what I want to do.

-Add new and old blocks, entities and items that are missing from the pack.

-Add add-on packs for the original pack, like damaged items (messed with this in the past).

-Add other add-on packs for mods (this will be looked at once I am confident in my ability to keep with the packs identity)

-Add variants to blocks to allow for the players to choose what types of certain blocks they like. (Ex: Different gold block, one with the red gem (the old one) and one without).

-Create a 3D pack to give the pack more detail (I have messed with this in the past as well as evident on my minecraft forum post).

-Create animations for specific blocks that I feel might benefit from having them.


I will update this section with more photo's when I can, for now here is a showcase of every block (almost, doesn't have 1.14 stuff).