Gilded UI

Gilded UI



Gilded is a fantasy inspired dark UI, designed to be unintrusive and (eventually) compatible with a wide array of mods!


Currently, Gilded only supports the vanilla UI. However, I intend to add support for many mods as this resource pack is being handmade for use in the Gilded Adventures: Weather the Storm modpack.



  • Using any language that isn't English will result in stylistic inconsistencies. I intend to fix this by adding additional Lang files moving forward.
  • Please post any and all questions, feedback, and issues in the comments. This is my first resource pack ever, and there are undoubtedly issues I haven't foreseen. This is my first resourcepack ever after all!
  • Using Optifine alongside this resource pack will allow you to see custom UI elements for Ender Chests and Chests. this isn't required, just neat :)
  • I will not be backporting this resource pack to earlier versions of Minecraft, and will only begin working on anything post 1.19.2 once I've finished adding support for all the mods I deem "necessary".

Terms of Use

  • You may not rehost any Gilded UI files on any 3rd party website (Planet Minecraft, the Minecraft Forums, etc.)
  • You may edit or otherwise use Gilded UI's assets for the creation of a resource pack that provides compatibility with the UI of other mods, but said resource pack MAY NOT contain any of Gilded UI's original files.
  • You may edit or create assets using Gilded UI for personal use, but these edited files may not be rehosted either.
