Glimmar's Steampunk 'Lite' v.13 for MC 1.6.4

Glimmar's Steampunk 'Lite' v.13 for MC 1.6.4


Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Glimmar and I have great pleasure in presenting to you the ' Lite' version of my dark, alternative, Victorian sci-fi theme pack...I dare to call it Steampunk ...hence the title of my establishment... 'Glimmar's Steampunk'. If you are looking to build epic constructions in a retro-classical industrial style, then as proprietor, I invite you to waste a moment of your time within. Bear witness to scenes of wonder, arcane devices and even [gasp] 'moving picture shows'! Step inside...

.....Glimmar's Steampunk Hybrid 'Lite' 64/32x v13 for MC 1.6.4

It's been a long time in the making, and it's been around since the middle of 2010 on the Texture/Resource Pack Section of the Minecraft Forums...making it one of the oldest texture packs still supported by it's original! This version is called GS Hybrid 'Lite' because the bloat of extra random mobs and animations has been removed from the pack and lower res betterskies .png have been swapped in. CTM is still the same as the standard pack. 'Lite' does not mean a 32x pack or necessarily different textures, except where animated paintings have been replaced by 'still' pictures.

This 'lighter' version may help some of you with more modest PC setups to squeez a few more FPS in game, but don't expect miracles. Other necessary MCPatcher embelishments like 'ctm', biome and atmospheric colours will all take their toll in the game.

This pack's big brother contains: lots of extra animations on blocks, paintings, mobs and guis, including a great number of extra random mobs, very hi-rez BetterSkies day and night time animated cloud and starfield backdrops. If you think your setup can handle it, try out the standard version of the pack here:

Glimmar's Steampunk Hybrid (Full-Featured Version)

.....A Taste of GS Hybrid v.13 'Lite'

.....Megalomania Inc.

When using this pack, think like a 'megalomaniac' and dominate your world with cast iron, brass, copper, marble, tile, stone, brick and concrete! Many of my blocks and some paintings are designed to look like retro machinary, made in such a way as to make them useful for large scale buildings and machines...flywheels, cogs, flowing pulses of arcane energy, control panels, stained glass paintings and much more. In this resource pack you will find all the things you need to bring a secret lair, dirigible, nautilus submarine, battleship, fortress, city...your life!

.....Do I Need Flying Goggles?

...If you're currently flying rather high and not in a pressurized cabin...get them on now, man! What were you thinking?! ...Pish posh! You don't need them to survive this pack. Just because the theme is Steampunk, doesn't mean it's all brass machines and cogs...though you'll certainly find plenty of those here. This pack also contains a very large collection of random plants and foliage and many classical, architectural 'connected textures' to make your retro blocky world as believable as can be.

In addition, I've worked hard to make textures which look good from any distance...with or without your monocle...and appropriate to the theme's time period, ie. unnaturally annoying repetitive patterns are kept to an absolute minimum, so those enormous flights of fanciful engineering don't look like chequered 'Harris Tweed' when hovering aloft in your private airship.

.....Current Project Status

At present I am focused on upscaling my long established 32x pack to 64x and most new textures and animations I make are now first made at 64x. My version 13 download is a fully working 64x version for the Minecraft, with some upscaled 32x terrain and item features from my original pack and a small number of fan donated place-holder textures, but I'm still missing an ender dragon...sorry! It is packed with a large and growing number of animated blocks and 'Connected Textures'. This is very much a constant work in progress and I'm always trying to improve things where I can...when I can.

.....Welcome to My Secret Lair

For more information, up-to-date changelog, including latest videos and screens, lots of alternative textures and extra mod support, please visit my 'Minecraft Forums' Resource Pack thread:

Glimmar's Steampunk on Minecraft Forums

.....Using This Well Oiled Precision Machine

Once downloaded, the texture pack zip goes in the new Minecraft resources folder, and like most HD texture packs, requires MC Patcher to roll with a full head of steam: MC Patcher link.
Please visit my Minecraft Forums Texture/Resource Pack thread for full instructions on how to use the latest MCPatcher with the new Minecraft v1.6 Launcher. above.

MC Patcher makes use of many extra custom features I've created - better skies, biome colors, lighting and HD font. Many of my terrain blocks, items, guis and mobs (even the sky!) are animated...working craftbenches, pulsing furnaces, flickering electrical items and strange alchemical contraptions! I also support a huge range of 'Randommobs' and Connected Textures, for which you'll definitely need MC Patcher! Please note: there is a 'lite' version of the pack available. It does not have extra mobs, has far fewer animations, but does contain all the 'ctm' textures found in the main pack. See separate 'Glimmar's Steampunk lite' page.

.....Please Respect My Work, Chaps

...meaning you are free to edit this pack for personal use, or make videos and reviews, show screens, etc. with proper credit and links back here or to my Minecraft Forums thread, but you must not re-post anything online with my pack or textures included as they are copyright under international law. 'Direct linking' to my downloads is strictly forbidden, as this by-passes my 'official' threads, denies users access to the latest information and curtails the very small reward I get from Curse for all my considerable efforts. If you wish to support the long term survival of this pack, please report any infractions on my MC Forum thread.

Tally Ho! My fellow empire builders! When you have decimated...ahem... beg pardon... developed the land and built something monstrously epic, don't forget to cackle like an evil villain ...alternatively, just tip yer hat and smile gently with pride and let me see a pic over on my MC Forums thread.