Barrel Variants adds a way to create barrels with textures corresponding to all wood types in vanilla Minecraft
Renaming a barrel in an anvil to a wood type followed by "barrel" will change the texture of that barrel
e.g. "spruce barrel", "dark oak barrel", "crimson barrel"
Nothing is case-sensitive
In version 1.0.1+ any name starting with the wood type will work
e.g. "jungle barrel", "jungle", "jungle tools storage", "jungleskog"
This resourcepack uses Custom Item Textures (CIT) and Connected Textures Mod (CTM) to work, and therefore requires client-side CIT and CTM mods to work
Optifine for Minecraft 1.13+ includes both CIT and CTM, so it will work either standalone or through forge
For fabric, use CIT Resewn and Continuity
CIT is only needed to show the alternate barrel texture in inventories. If that doesn't matter to you, and all you care about is placed barrels in-world, you don't need CIT Resewn