Better vanilla greamyblade

Better vanilla greamyblade


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Greamyblade is a visual remaster of the current default texture-pack, I tweaked and changed a lot of current textures that I thought needed it. The changes are not drastic and still fit perfectly with the current color scheme and textures of the default texture pack, many of these changes will add a lot more diversity, removing repetitiveness which in turn results in a more realistic and overall nicer appearance.

NOTE: This pack is still being updated. So be sure to download the latest version. 


Connected textures


bushy Birch Leaves

and more.


My leaves aren't working correctly how do I fix it? 

You need to have your leaves on fancy.

How do I make it so I only have orange leaves?

Navigate to assets/minecraft/optifine/cmt/leaves/birch_leaves/orange and copy the texture files, then go back to the cherry_blossom folder and paste the files in there. This will replace the pink leaves with orange leaves.

How do I make it so I only have pink leaves?

Navigate to assets/minecraft/optifine/cmt/leaves/birch_leaves/cherry_blossom
copy the leave texture files, go back and paste them in the orange folder. Also paste them in blocks folder located minecraft/assets/textures/blocks

How do I disable the birch leave colors?

Open the "green birch leaves" folder located assets/minecraft/textures/blocks/green_birch_leaves copy the texture files and paste in the following areas assets/minecraft/textures/blockassets/minecraft/optifine/ctm/leaves/birch_leaves/cherry_blossom, assets/minecraft/optifine/ctm/leaves/birch_leaves/orange. To remove the orange grass in birch biomes go to the "no green grass" folder located assets/minecraft/textures/colormap copythe grass texture fileand paste in the colormap folder replacing the old one.

The leave colors don't look correct with certain mods installed how can I Fix this?

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with mod compatibility issues but I believe deleting the colormap folder might fix the problem these are located assets/minecraft/textures/colormap also assets/minecraft/textures/optifine/colormap.

How can I remove the netherrite tool and armor textures?

Navigate to assets/minecraft/textures/items then search for the netherrite items and delete them, next navigate to assets/minecraft/textures/models and delete the armor folder.

Some Birch trees have both orange and pink leaves?

This happens when a tree is on the border of a biome where one biome has orange leaves and one pink. From my knowledge there is nothing that can be done to fix this. Other than only having one leave color.

I don't have block variations or connected textures?

You need to turn these on in the settings menu with optifine installed. You need connected textures on fancy and alternate blocks turned on.