GT New Horizions Machine Textures

GT New Horizions Machine Textures


If you grew frustrated by the vanilla textures of GT Machines looking quite boring and not being colour accurate for the material used to make them, Well this texturepack fixes that. 

not only does this texturepack add textures for machines starting from Low Pressure Steam, High Pressure Steam, Ulv, Lv, Mv, Hv, Ev, Iv, Luv, Zpm, and Uv.

This texturepack also adds textures to Uhv, Uev, Uiv, Umv, Uxv, And Finally Max.

but wait, The textures used for Umv and Uxv Also use the material colour they are made from, Spacetime and Magnetohydrodynamically Constrained Star Matter.

Max curretly doesn't have a recipe but I didn't stop at Uxv I wanted to add textures to all GT Machine hulls and there respected machine.

I have also changed some textures from GT++, GoodGenerator, KekzTech and Electro-Magic Tools to make them look more pretty. Some of these textures include Non-Round Turbine textures for all turbines and the GT++ Centrifuge and and IsaMill Grinder.

Pictures of the Quantum Force Transformer, Cryogenic Vacuum Freezer and Volcanus are below.


GTNH-GT5-Unoffical Textures for spacetime and mhdcsm are based on textures used for GT5.

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This Texture pack is intended for use in the GTNH modpack.