Harry Potter Inspired Wands

Harry Potter Inspired Wands

Really good! Yes, yes!

Really good! Yes, yes!

Neutral Wand

Neutral Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Fire Wand

Fire Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Earth Wand

Earth Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Looks really nice with animations!

Looks really nice with animations!

Lightning Wand

Lightning Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Healing Wand

Healing Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Ice Wand

Ice Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Sorcery Wand

Sorcery Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master
Necromancy Wand

Necromancy Wand

[Left to Right]: Novice - Apprentice - Advanced - Master