Hypixel Zombies Vanilla-Texture-Based Weapon Texture Pack

Hypixel Zombies Vanilla-Texture-Based Weapon Texture Pack


For anyone who has never played Zombies on Hypixel: This resource pack is meant for the game Zombies on Hypixel and nothing else. This is not some sort of a mod that adds weapons to the game. This is simply a resource pack that changes the textures of the items used as weapons in the Zombies game.

Summary: This resource pack is meant for those who prefer the default textures or simply just do not like to use any texture packs. I feel the exact same way, that is why I made this. All default-looking textures: Literally the only thing I have done was flipping the textures and swapping the colors of the handle and the top part.

Hypixel never used any texture packs for the Zombies game. Which I do not mind at all.

I also prefer the vanilla textures of the items that Hypixel has used for weapons.

So I have wondered, why not just flip the textures into the way they were intended to be so the items can be held as if they are actual guns.

But of course, I feel like a bit of modifying needs to be done in order for it to actually look nice.

And here it is, a much better look for the weapons with the smallest change possible to the textures. (aka a texture pack made in the laziest way possible)

As you can see, all I have done is flipping the texture in the way that make them look like guns; I have also swapped the material of the top part of the item and the handle. The only texture I have completely changed is the double barrel shotgun. I have made a completely new texture for it. Because it's also a shotgun, I simply slapped another barrel onto the shotgun texture I have made. And the result was surprisingly better than I thought it would be. So good that I have made it the logo of this texture pack.

>>> Screenshots <<<

Here is an animation made by the Black Plasma Studio on this game. As you can see, the top part of the hoe is indeed assumed to be the handle of the gun.


If you say I have put very little efforts into this texture pack... you are not wrong! I mean, I never really needed too much effort to make this small change to the textures anyway.

To be honest in the beginning I have made this texture pack just for myself. It's just that I now feel like it would be something interesting to share with everyone. Maybe there are people who also wish for a texture pack that kept the feel of the original textures.

Besides the textures of these weapons, every other texture including the knife and the Puncher remains untouched. So if you wish to use any other texture packs with this one at the same time you certainly can. Just make sure this resource pack is above the other resource packs in the active resource packs list so this one has higher priority therefore loads this one's textures first.

Very likely that I would not really spend time maintaining this project since it's just some fun little changes I have made for myself. So if you have any suggestions... I might look at them, but very likely I will not respond to them.

This is a 1.8 texture pack.