Icons Reimagined

Icons Reimagined



So I always have thought minecraft icons are pretty damn bland with their coloring and shading, especially "golden" hearts, and I've seen some pretty good icon overhauls which I like, so I tried to make my own one.

What makes this one different you may ask? Well, you can only make a colored heart so much different than someone else, but one thing I'd say makes this lite pack especially stand out, is the fact that I've completely redone how it looks like when you are on a "half" heart, now the hearts instead actually shrink before disappearing, kinda like lego games!

I've still got tons of extra things to tweak but for the moment, this is where I'm at with the texture pack right now.

Like some of the other pack descriptions, honestly real big thanks to un_roman for being kind and offering to make the logo text for this pack!

This pack is originally from my pack Minecraft Reimagined but I thought some people may like it but not my pack, so I decided to give it, it's standalone pack!

Join the "Reimagined" Discord here and come & chat!

Shout out to these amazing people whose willing to give me some tea every month via my patreon! <3

Big Cup of Tea tier:

Cup of Tea tier:

Small Cup of Tea tier:
- Joshua
- Ellinor