Info SD (In-Chat Calculator and Info)

Info SD (In-Chat Calculator and Info)


With this datapack, you can access a couple dynamic in-chat informational utilities, including a calculator with support for decimal and negative numbers, as well as some menus that can calculate a few useful in-game metrics, like fall damage and protection effectiveness.

To access these features, you simply run either "/trigger SDCalculator", or "/trigger SDInfoList", depending on what you're looking for. 

To install the datapack, just place the downloaded .zip file into your world save's "datapacks" directory. Do not unzip the file beforehand.

Known limitations, due to the juggling necessary to perform and display non-integer operations with integer scoreboard data:

  • Results on the interval (0, -1) will not display the '-' symbol because Minecraft doesn't do so with the pre-decimal value '-0'.
  • The decimal portions of numbers cannot begin with 0, because Minecraft doesn't track leading 0s. (Example: 1.01 becomes 1.1).
  • It is easy to overflow the scoreboard values with large numbers. To mitigate this, inputs are limited to at most 2 decimal places of used digits.

Here is a video demonstrating how the pack works: