JAPPA Backport

JAPPA Backport



📖 About:

JAPPA Backport is a resource pack that allows you to experience the new, smooth, and aesthetically pleasing textures from the Texture Update on older versions. In Minecraft update 1.14, a majority of the textures were remade and retextured by Jasper Boerstra, who would later become the lead artist for Minecraft. However, with the rewritten ID system implemented and renamed textures in 1.13, it wasn't as easy as taking the texture files and pasting them into a texture pack This, however fixes that issue by renaming all the new textures to their original file names allowing the textures to be used in older versions below 1.12.

✅ Features:

  • Available for 1.8, 1.12, 1.16, and 1.18 (coming soon)
  • All textures that were changed in feature updates will be updated.