Magnet and Stick Magnet

Magnet and Stick Magnet


I was tired of the overpowered magnets found everywhere and complicated methods to get magnets. So I made this datapack for my friends and I, and now sharing with you. A very simple way to have magnets that aren't overpowered and easy to get without jumping through hoops and down holes.

You will be using it as-is.
Works on all versions 1.15 to 1.20

All it does is make sticks work as a magnet while they're in your main-hand or off-hand.

Any items placed in the last slot of your Hotbar or Inventory and renamed to Magnet will also work as a magnet.

The range is 5 blocks. 

Magnet in Hotbar

You are free to make changes to my datapack as you see fit.