This resource pack requires JsonEM and Chime to work which can be found here and here.
Go into images to see previews of the pack.
Medieval Expansion
Aims to remodel and retexture Minecraft to fit a more medieval setting while sticking to a 16x look.
I have a discord now! Where I'll post updates and progress on my resource packs:
How to use this resource pack
You will need to have an anvil and be able to rename either the Helmet, Chestplate or Boots of armour. Rename the armour piece you're wanting to change and bob's your uncle.
It works with all vanilla armour sets except mail and leather, I'll get around to adding the variations to them as well but for now leather only has a Mail Shirt.
Here's a list of names you can rename, you can find a preview of these in the images tab:
Armet Helmet
Armet Slit Helmet
Bascinet Helmet
No Visor Bascinet Helmet
Barbute Helmet
No Visor Barbute Helmet
Sallet Helmet
Frogmouth Helmet
Viking Helmet
Kettle Helmet
Nasal Helmet
Cage Helmet
Extended Cage Helmet
Great Helmet
Adorned Great Helmet
Maximillian Helmet
Mail Coif
Breastplate 2
Breastplate 3
Breastplate 4
Breastplate + Arms
Breastplate 2 + Arms
Breastplate 3 + Arms
Breastplate 4 + Arms
Breastplate + Besagew
Breastplate 2 + Besagew
Breastplate 3 + Besagew
Breastplate 4 + Besagew
Breastplate + Besagew Rims
Breastplate 2 + Besagew Rims
Breastplate + Rims
Breastplate 2 + Rims
Brigandine 2
Brigandine 3
Brigandine + Arms
Brigandine 2 + Arms
Brigandine 3 + Arms
Brigandine + Besagew
Brigandine 2 + Besagew
Brigandine 3 + Besagew
Brigandine + Besagew Rims
Brigandine + Rims
Mail Hauberk
Mail Hauberk 2
Mail Shirt (Leather Only)
Mail Boots