Disclaimer: You will need to install OptiFine to take full advantage of this pack's features. That is all.
Mickey Joe's "Barely Default" is a pack I made initially just for personal use. At one point I made a Reddit post with a screenshot of what I had made. The post got a surprising amount of satisfying feedback so I decided to try to turn my work into an actual pack. Which you can play with! or don't. I can't tell you what to do
Everything in this pack is free to use for whatever you want. I can't take credit for the textures, as they're based on textures Mojang made. for more info on redistribution, check out this document I wrote up.
For a comprehensive visual guide to all the armour sets my resource pack adds to your game, check out this other document.
👉 if you're a nerd and prefer to read, here's a very comprehensible (and equally fun) changelog I've kept over the past few years.
💰 pay my 'bills' - https://www.Patreon.com/MushirMickeyJoe
📷 the Gram - https://www.Instagram.com/MushirMickeyJoe
🛸 read all about it - https://www.Reddit.com/user/MushirMickeyJoe
🐦 Tweets - https://Twitter.com/MushirMickeyJoe
but really, what I care most about you checking out is my YT channel - https://www.YouTube.com/c/MickeyJoeAlpha-G ◀