miles's Enchanted Deluxe Edition

miles's Enchanted Deluxe Edition


Greetings, This texture pack give mineral or gem trims for weapons, books and soon tools enchantments. It's basically Visual Enchantments but thematic.
This texture pack requires OptiFine or CIT Resewn.
And make sure your configs are set corretly:
Option/Video Setting/Quality/Custom Item: ON
Works on 1.20 and below versions.

Fresh animated books designs (WIP)

 Fresh RPG swords designs (WIP)

 Fresh bows and trindent designs (trident have 2 ench combi) (WIP) 

 Designs for 3! combinations enchantments

Netherite plus sword, jade sword and copper sword: It is available from rename on the anvil (on netherite sword)

Also, new designs for hoes, frames, arrows and exp bottles

 Extra 2
New heart, hunger, respiration, armor and exp bar designs

 Extra 3
Boxes and some effects designs were modified