MineChem Redux

MineChem Redux


Description :

Minechem was been a historical chemical mod of old 1.7.10 Minecraft but was been abandoned and with successors  Minechem Recompile without a update on next versions and Alchemistry by al132 but with a lot of thinks lost

After years and out 1.16:

I have recreated all two iconics machinery models by zero  [my little insane idea of saturday evening]

[ chemical combiner / synthetyzer isn't totaly full "perfect" ] 

Warning: This is only a resource pack at Alchemistry = only models and textures was been changed , hitboxs are original of Alchemistry Machinery

F.A.Q. :

Q: Future plan?


A: "Find a way to fix the unique part unperfect of chemical synthetyzer" and hypothetical port of other things , with minimal changes if need

Other my Similar projects:

Mechanical Logistics


MineChem Redux