More Canvas Compat

More Canvas Compat

Enchanting Table, Brewing Stand and Respawn Anchor

Enchanting Table, Brewing Stand and Respawn Anchor

A closer look at an end rod

A closer look at an end rod

Blue Glowing Mushrooms from Wild World

Blue Glowing Mushrooms from Wild World

Enchanted forest from BYG

Enchanted forest from BYG

The enchanted forest looks even more mysterious with this pack installed, the leaves are waving and glowing, the stems are just glowing
BYG end bloom support

BYG end bloom support

End Thorns from Wild World

End Thorns from Wild World

A crimson forest

A crimson forest

The Stems, Vines and Fungi are glowing mysteriously!
A warped forest

A warped forest

The warped stems are glowing now!
Blockus support!

Blockus support!

End Rods and Chorus Flowers are glowing!

End Rods and Chorus Flowers are glowing!

Witch Hazel from BYG

Witch Hazel from BYG

The animated textures of the flowering witch hazel leaves glow!
Emeralds, Gold and Diamonds are glowing!

Emeralds, Gold and Diamonds are glowing!

Green Glowing Mushrooms from Wild World

Green Glowing Mushrooms from Wild World

Nether Gold and Nether Quartz Ore

Nether Gold and Nether Quartz Ore

TIS-3D Compat

TIS-3D Compat

The LEDs of the Casing and Controller blocks are glowing!
A coral reef with the pack installed

A coral reef with the pack installed

The corals are moving and the sea pickles are glowing.
All flowers and leaves from BYG are waving!

All flowers and leaves from BYG are waving!