More Stones in Recipes

More Stones in Recipes

This datapack enables using more stone blocks in recipes than the vanilla game allows. This enables, say, crafting a stone pickaxe with Andesite for example. This also changes some recipes which use slabs and smooth stone to allow suitable variants too.

Stones usable in crafting, with new stones in bold:
  • Cobblestone
  • Blackstone^
  • Cobbled Deepslate
  • Stone^
  • Smooth Stone^
  • Granite^
  • Diorite^
  • Andesite^
  • Deepslate^
  • Tuff^
  • Dripstone^
  • Basalt
  • Smooth Basalt^
  • Prismarine

Items marked with ^ can be used in place of (non-cobbled) Stone in recipes which originally required Stone.

More Stones in Recipes Minecraft Data Pack

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