MUDC In Voxel For Immersive Railroading

MUDC In Voxel For Immersive Railroading


IMPORTANT: This Pack requires Immersive Railroading to function properly

ALSO IMPORTANT: due to Immersive Railroading having not implemented electric locos yet, this loco uses diesel code, you fuel it up as you would a diesel

Have you ever needed a cheap, usable piece of rolling stock for your elevated Railway Operations? Have the Expensive Requirements of Subway Cars bothered you? Worry Not sir! this pack contains a Multiple Unit Door Control Car, Straight from the Elevated Railways of Manhattan and The Bronx.


-Wooden Construction

-Steel Frame

-Dubious Safety 

-Rattan Seating

-Made of Voxels

-Multiple Unit Door Control (Not functioning, Cosmetic)

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