No Z-Fighting

No Z-Fighting


What is Z-fighting?
Z-fighting is when 2 faces of a block, item, entity etc. are on similar or the same coordinates. The game doesn't know which one to render over the other so it attempts to render both at the same time which makes the textures clip through each other, producing a flickering effect that looks bad and can even strain the eyes if it's intense. Some models and textures either have not accounted for z-fighting or haven't separated the faces far enough. This pack fixes a ton of these issues with mainly model files and a few texture files.

Most of the entity fixes require OptiFine.

I cannot guarantee compatibility with other packs but it should be compatible with most vanilla edit packs.

The pack is not done, there are some more fixes to add but I've added the most notable ones, the rest are a lot harder to notice (or just can't be fixed by me).

There are a few things that I cannot add due to limitations of resource packs and OptiFine such as anything player model related

© 2021 StormDragon77 | Some Rights Reserved | CC BY-NC-SA

Version 1.2