Allows Ultra Beasts to spawn in the overworld. This was made due to Ultra Space being WIP in 1.16 currently.
Ultra Beasts spawn using the legendary timer. HOWEVER, they won't be announced in chat (this is a pixelmon thing, I cannot change it as long as I use the legendary timer)
Blacephalon: "Flowery" biomes
Buzzwole: "Jungle" biomes
Celesteela: "Savanna" biomes
Guzzlord: "Mesa" biomes
Nihilego: River biome
Poipole: "Swamp" biomes
Stakataka: "Mountain" biomes
Xurkitree: "Birch" biomes
Biomes in quotes support those kind of biomes in other biome mods, such as Oh The Biomes You'll Go & Biomes 'o' Plenty