Pink Heart

Pink Heart




Hi! My game name is "kolotocar (i144)", are you interested in this texture pack? Download it!I started creating this resource pack around October / November 2020 and completed it in March 2021. I decided to create this resource pack because I did not find any resource pack that would suit or like me at all. This source package simply suits me and I hope it will suit you too. It's classic, it's pretty hard to recognize some blocks that are altered, believe me. You will definitely appreciate the GUI or rain and snow too. If you have some problem with this texture pack, contact me on Discord (kolotocar#6271)... Enjoy it!

NOTE: I recommended using English (US) launguage...I only tested it on 1.16.3 and also with the Fabric Version (fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.3) and with OptiFine (OptiFine_1.16.3_HD_U_G5). You can try this texture pack on another version (1.8.8, 1.16.5 etc...) but I do not recommend it!