Pokémon: Wingull Edition

Pokémon: Wingull Edition


Modpack created for the server named "Pixelmon: Wingull Edition. Keep in mind this modpack is designed for an specific server, and contains story related stuff from previous servers.


Long time ago, Teras was a vastly populated region, called "The Land of Pioneers". They were known for their advanced technology and wonderful landscapes. Time had passed, and war happened, confronting those who were born in that land, and the adventurers who just had arrived, looking for wealth, fame and power. War lasted 100 years, and was known as the Great War of Teras. Time passed, and, luckily, war came to an end, and both sides, now weakened as consecuence of the confrontation signed a peace agreement, in which they would share the land, but it was too late. That long time ago advanced land, was now barren, and their inhabitants began to leave the place that was one their home. But then, Lascui emerged from nowhere with their company, Lizardon Inc, and settled in an old city nowadays called Narukami, where they worked together with the inhabitants to recover all the lost knowledge of the region. Quickly, the city grew more than ever, causing a rural exodus, making all the people in towns move to the big cities. But the feats of that great company would not end there, as they decided to promote transport of people and keeping aerial control by creating the OGT, providing free transport through Corviknight taxi drivers. Also, he started the PDT, "Teras Developement Plan" in Teras' local language. This is the moment where the server begins, some new trainers have arrived and now have the task of revitalizing and rebuilding those abandoned towns, counting on the support from Lizardon Inc. as long as confronting the dangers lurking from the shadows...


  • Custom coin skins
  • Custom Pokémon PC backgrounds and badge cases