Pride Bees (16x & 32x)

Pride Bees (16x & 32x)


 The 1.16 Version will still work in 1.18.2+

It will give you a Message that it may not work properly when you choose it, but nothing will be wrong with the Textures in game

The original Texturepack of the 32x version is Faithful. I added 6 Bees that are colored like LGBTQ+ Pride Flags.

This includes:

The Bees' colors are determined randomly

Their colors are determined randomly

How to Install:

-Make sure you have Optifine for 1.15 or higher

-Download the Resourcepack

-Unzip the .zip-file and put it in your resourcepack-folder that you can find inside of your .minecraft-folder (you reach it be pressing the Windows Key + R and then entering %appdata%)

-Select it in the game's settings

Thanks a lot to User triviakitty for sending in the texture for the Nonbinary Bee

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