Rails Reimagined

Rails Reimagined


This pack simply makes rails and minecart have a bit of a touch up in their looks. Rails have now gottten a fully 3D model for all their respective variants, while also having a more consistent texture, the iron bars are now using the iron color palette, the powered rails using the gold color palette and so on. The rails are also 2 pixels wider, making them equally wide as the minecart, among other changes such as emissives!
Minecarts if u have optifine, now have small tiny 3D wheels on their model, while tnt minecarts have a "tnt" text pasted on the side of their carts, since why wouldn't you wanna mark the minecarts which you have filled with a bunch of a dangerous explosives?

This pack is originally from my pack Minecraft Reimagined but I thought some people may like it but not my pack, so I decided to give it, it's standalone pack!

Join the "Reimagined" Discord here and come & chat!

Shout out to the amazing people whose willing to give me some money for tea via my patreon! <3



