Realism's Sense

Realism's Sense


Realism's Sense!

What is Realism's Sense?
Realism's Sense is a resource pack that gives the blocks of the game a realistic look with shader features(PBR- Normal maps and Specular Maps)

Why Realism's Sense and not something else?

Realism's Sense is the name i got in mind while making the pack, it's a pun for "Sense of Realism" and it was easier to difference from others

What does the pack do that makes it different from others?

Realism's Sense adds 4K textures to blocks and gives them an original design(example: puddles on sand, dirt on cobblestone) 

Why dont you add more blocks instead of just a few?

Realism's Sense is limited on textures because of the Texture Atlas. When i exceed the limit the game either drops my FPS down to 1 digit or just dont load the resource pack, thats why i keep it simple and separated in updates!

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