klutzyy – The original creator
When making this pack I realized there that every shade of black just look like a different color, so I didn’t animated that.
Lapis is blue just like diamonds so i didn’t animate that ( I might if I get the demand)
If you like you can repost this on different sites but, if you call it your own, pls give me credit at least 👉👈
Use this for friends and you only.
And go support the original creator
Coal Ore- it doesn’t animated colors cause its black, but still has a outline.
Emerald Ore= changes colors including the outline, of shades of green.
Redstone Ore – change shades of many different reds.
Lapis Ore – doesn’t change colors since its blue like diamonds.
Diamonds Ore- changes to almost all shades of blue (light blue, blue, etc.).
Gold Ore- animates differents colors like greenish yellow.
Iron Ore – changes shades of orange, since they look the closest to iron
First download the link, and once you download it, you extract the zip file and put it in to your resource pack folder. If you download know how, open up Minecraft, go to option the resource packs, press open pack folder and put it in there.