Scribe's Table (Data pack)

Scribe's Table (Data pack)


This data pack give you a very simple way to modify items, you need to craft a scribe's table

Then open the gui

The book in the middle means "apply modify",before doing this, you need put the item you want to modify into left slot, and the ingredient into right slot, each ingredients have different function, belowing is the items and it functions

Athought there are a lot of rule, but don't worry about it, the above information will show when you move your cursor onto the empty ingredient slot (right slot).

For example, if you put a diamond sword into left slot, and put a membrane into right one, then apply the modification, you will get a diamond sword without damage and consume one membrane.
If you put diamond sword with a sharpness enchantment, and a book as ingredient, then apply modification, the sharpness enchantment will be moved onto the book (the book become ecnhanted book with sharpness enchantment), eqully, the enchantment on your sword will disapear.
How to install and uninstall?
for install, download it into the datapacks/ folder in you map, then /reload, it work!!!
for uninstall, just remove it, but if you don't want any player get the gui items in the scribe's table, you need to destroy all scribe's table before you remove this data pack by using following command

/execute as @e[tag=btav] at @s run setblock ~ ~-1 ~ air
Other Feature
For balance, all the modifications will cost you some levels, when you move your cursor onto a button, it will show what level you need to reach (if have the level less than required one), how many level it cost to apply this modification.
For example, move one enchant require you reach level 24, but cost you 3 levels per movement.