Simple Bigger Fonts

Simple Bigger Fonts


Hello! I've made this very basic Resource Pack, using the default Ubuntu Font from google free fonts ( in order to make more readable, in particular on the signs.

1. Change Font Size:
- Edit the .\assets\minecraft\font\default.json file, changing the "size" option with the desidered Font Size. ResourcePack default is 13.0. (Minecraft default is 11.0);

NOTE/PROBLEM: If you have a Sign Text line that reach the sign border (ex. maximum letters in a single line), with size more then 11.5 the last word on the line will be removed

2. Change Font:
- Download the .ttf file of the font;
- Rename the file with all lower case letters;
- Copy the file on the folder .\assets\minecraft\font\
- Edit the .\assets\minecraft\font\default.json "file" option, with the .ttf file name (ex. myfont.ttf -> "minecraft:myfont.ttf");
- Zip the 3 files assets - pack.mcmeta (- pack.png, optional) and insert the zip into the ResourcePack folder.