Spooktober Pack
Halloween Themed Texture Pack that's extra Spooky
- NEW Jack-o-Lantern/Carved Pumpkin Variations: Creeper, Ghost, Smash Bros, Dream, and OwO Pumpkin Faces.
- Autumn Leaves & Grass
- Halloween Themed Doors for each door type.
- Trick-o-Treater Zombies (If you use Optifine you can get many different costume variants for the zombies to appear)
- Jack-o-Lantern ORES
- Candy & Sketchy Candy & Candy Apple Food Items
- Spooky Totem of Undying
- Plague Doctor Armor (Replaces Netherite)
- Glow in the Dark Skeleton Costume (Diamond Armor) *Doesn't actually glow*
- Pumpkin Suit & Tie (Gold Armor)
- Serial Killer Costume (Iron Armor)
- Music Discs are all broken (I have yet to change the actual songs)
- Skeleton horses & Zombie Donkeys
- Bone Dogs
- Halloween Chests (Double Chests become Coffins)
- Pumpkin Creeper
- Scythes, Knives, Staffs, and Pitchforks!
*There's plenty of other stuff as well that you can discover on your own*
I also made a Thanksgiving spin-off pack: Link Removed: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pbw087cq7zd7lq1/thankscraft.zip/file