I will be redoing this pack from the ground up soon-ish. I'm not satisfied with pretty much any of the work put into this, and since I've been getting better a pixel art lately, I figured I should revisit this resource pack. Stay tuned.
This is a small resource pack that simply changes some textures to stand out more and to just overall be better.
Currently, this project is in its beta phase (EXPECT INCONSISTENCIES!). Only some items and blocks have been changed at the moment. I will change more in the very near future.
Unfortunately, I'm too lazy/don't have enough time to backport this to older versions. Sorry. I'll try to keep it up-to-date though.
My other resource pack, Starplanet's Better Stones, has been discontinued. All textures from that resource pack have been migrated to this resource pack for simplicity's sake.
Have fun! :)
KNOWN ISSUES (older issues that are labeled as "FIXED" will be deleted as soon as this list hits 10 entries):
-Blocks of Gold are not making the sounds they are intended to make in the resource pack (Alpha 0.2 --- current)
-The Netherite Hoe's handle is made of wood, and not diamond (Alpha 0.3) [FIXED in ALPHA 0.3.1]
-The Golden Shovel is not retextured when it should be (Alpha 0.2 --- Alpha 0.2.1) [FIXED in ALPHA 0.3]
-The title screen background goes blank when loading up the resource pack (Alpha 0.1 --- Alpha 0.2.1) [FIXED in ALPHA 0.3]
-The pack, itself, has compatibility issues, due to almost all blocks in the game being listed in the files (Alpha 0.1 --- Alpha 0.3.1) [FIXED IN BETA 0.1]