Sydney Trains pack - IR

Sydney Trains pack - IR


Sydney Trains Pack

This resource pack adds the famous Sydney Red rattler and the S Set from Sydney to Immersive Railroading. This pack if you couldn't tell already, requires Immersive Railroading. Please note: due to Immersive Railroading not having electric support yet, they are coded in as diesels, this will of course be changed when electrics come.

Currently The Comeg S set and Tulloch Redrattler are somewhat "overpowered" due to trying to simulate "electrics" with diesels, as a result they don't use much fuel.


Currently Contains:

- Comeg S set - (Pre 1990s)
- Tulloch Redrattlers

- Comeg S set (after 1990s remake)
- Tulloch Prototype S set
- Tulloch double decker trailers

S Set:

Tulloch Redrattler:

BONUS: Wires
Since this getting asked, the wires are from RTM (Real Train mod)

Just a heads up, Real Train mod doesn't work well with Little tiles, (Crashes when you rotate a thing) and as alot of people on IR use LT, that is a problem.