TekTopia Classic Faithful 32x
Resource Packs
Updated 10 months ago
Created 4 years ago
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Male druids restoring Mineshafts (2)
Male druids restoring Mineshafts (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Female druids restoring Mineshafts
Female druids restoring Mineshafts (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Helloo oover theere! (2)
A Farmer breaking crops in the distance (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Villagers drinking in the Tavern (1)
Villagers drinking in the Tavern (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Honk-shoo... Honk-shoo...
Noisy Lumberjacks sleeping the night away [Noise not included] (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
A Lumberjack chopping down a tree (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Helloo oover theere! (1)
A Farmer breaking crops in the distance (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Villagers drinking in the Tavern (2)
Villagers drinking in the Tavern (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Male druids restoring Mineshafts (1)
Male druids restoring Mineshafts (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
So we back in the Mines
Miner digging a tunnel in a Mineshaft (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Bard Dance
A Bard dancing in the Tavern (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village) [Click image to see animation] {Animation Frames: }
A Guard saluting to the player (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
A full Sheep Pen [Bleats not included] (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)
Male druids restoring Mineshafts (3)
Male druids restoring Mineshafts (Image taken in the TekTopia Towns server in Sobertron's village)