The Graveyard - Structure Spacing and Separation Tweaks

The Graveyard - Structure Spacing and Separation Tweaks


Add this datapack to your world to modify spacing and separation of Graveyard structures.
This datapack comes with predefined values to make certain Graveyard structures more rare.

Where to put the datapack? Datapack must be located in your .minecraft/saves/yourWorldName/datapack folder.

Check the "pack_format" in pack.mcmeta. It should be set according to the minecraft version you are playing on.

  • 1.20                    -> "pack_format": 15
  • 1.19.4                 -> "pack_format": 12
  • 1.19 - 1.19.3     -> "pack_format": 10
  • 1.18.2                 -> "pack_format": 9

    How to:
    Open the JSON-file for the structure you like to modify. Change spacing and separation.

  • spacing: Average distance between two neighboring generation attempts. Value between 0 and 4096 (inclusive).
  • separation: Minimum distance (in chunks) between two neighboring attempts. Value between 0 and 4096 (inclusive). And be not bigger than spacing. The maximum distance of two neighboring generation attempts is 2*spacing - separation.