The Official Enigmatica Resource Pack

The Official Enigmatica Resource Pack

Vanilla Ores

Vanilla Ores

Added subtle animation to most of the Vanilla Ores to give them a little flavour.
Bookshelves Variant - FIG 3

Bookshelves Variant - FIG 3

Mekanism V10 - Updated/Unified Textures

Mekanism V10 - Updated/Unified Textures

Updated textures of some of the newly added ores and items
Sample of ERP - V1.5 - 2

Sample of ERP - V1.5 - 2

Vanilla surface blocks variations
Occultism - 4

Occultism - 4

Updated Occultism textures
Occultism - 5

Occultism - 5

Updated Occultism textures
Sample of ERP V1.4

Sample of ERP V1.4

This is just a selected sample of the variations that have been introduced with ERP v1.4.
Sample or ERP - V1.5 - 1

Sample or ERP - V1.5 - 1

Strata Block Variation
Updated Dyes

Updated Dyes

Nature's Aura, Refined Storage, and PneumaticCraft

Nature's Aura, Refined Storage, and PneumaticCraft

Updated Nature's Aura, Refined Storage (Quartz Enriched Iron) and PneumaticCraft (Compressed Iron)
Industrial Foregoing, Cyclic, and Powah

Industrial Foregoing, Cyclic, and Powah

Updated Industrial Foregoing (Pink Slime), Cyclic (Pear, and Enriched Peat), and Powah (Uraninite)
Iron and Immersive Engineering

Iron and Immersive Engineering

Updated Iron Block, Plate, Dust/Grit updated Immersive Engineering Textures
Occultism - 1

Occultism - 1

Updated Occultism textures
Occultism - 2

Occultism - 2

Updated Occultism textures
Updated Blocks Texture

Updated Blocks Texture

The updated texture of blocks formed from Ingots
Occultism - 3

Occultism - 3

Updated Occultism textures


The updated JAOPCA blocks using the new textures used by the Diamond Block
Mekanism and Create

Mekanism and Create

Updated Mekanism and Create Textures
Bookshelves Variant - FIG 2

Bookshelves Variant - FIG 2

Botania Quartz

Botania Quartz

Updated all Botania Quartz to use the new Quartz texture
Bookshelves Variant - FIG 1

Bookshelves Variant - FIG 1



A collection of Fusts/Grits introduced by multiple Tech mods
T-Mechworks and Botania

T-Mechworks and Botania

Updated Tinker's Mechworks and Botania Textures
Occultism - 6

Occultism - 6

Updated Occultism textures