TheSilentMeerkat's Mid-Effort Amogus HUD Pack

TheSilentMeerkat's Mid-Effort Amogus HUD Pack


This literally just changes most of the HUD elements (excluding the XP bar) Into amogus corresponding to the color the element was previously. I don't know why I made this, but I did. Do I regret it? No not really.

The Texture Pack in action!

 (I cant figure out how to insert images directly on here lol)

You CAN:

- Use this pack on your server.

- Alter the pack for personal use.

- Combine with other packs for personal use and play.

- Use this pack in YouTube videos. (Credit is appreciated)


- Claim ownership over the textures in this pack.

- Reupload the entire resource pack elsewhere.

- Redistribute unedited individual assets from the pack without permission and credit.

- Redistribute edited assets from the pack without permission and credit.