Totem of Undying Skin Template

Totem of Undying Skin Template


This pack is a template to change the Totem of Undying into your Minecraft skin model.

To use just follow the tutorial below. 


Example with my skin

How to use (important)

 First and most important step if your skin has a hat layer (the part of your skin that sticks out) is to make sure you flatten it to the base texture. Go to your favorite skin or image editor and take the textures on the hat layer copy it, then paste in on the base layer. Make sure to remove the hat layer then save the new skin somewhere, you don't have to make this your Minecraft skin just save the new image on your computer.



 Now open up the Recourse Pack folder and go to assets->minecraft->textures Then replace the image with the skin you saved. (make sure its named "totem_of_undying.png")

Open Minecraft and make sure it works, if the model works but the texture is pink and black then make sure the texture is named correctly.

Planned Features

  • Edit model so skin doesn't need to be flattened