Trans Ace Pride

Trans Ace Pride


Made another LGBTQ+ Pride pack! This one is specifically a gift to a friend (livotine), but anyone else can use it as well. 

This is a simple GUI, particle, and splash text resource pack. I recommend putting it at the top of your resource pack list to make sure it works well. 
Not all particles were edited, only specific ones. But almost all of the GUI, including realm GUI, is edited. And there are many new splash texts available! 

Splash Text included: 

Black Lives Matter!
Trans Lives Matter!
Support small businesses!
Love is love!
Love has no gender!
Bee you!
Show your true colors!
LGBTQIA+ rights!
Not invisible!
Momzania is your new parent :3
“LGBTQIA+ rights or I’ll steal your kneecaps” - Roxzania
“Respect pronouns or I’ll streal your kneecaps” - Momzania
Never apologize for being you!
I’m here and queer!
Prideful & Beautiful!
Valid & Loved!
Momzania is proud of you!
Roxzania was here <3
Rox says Trans rights!
Rox says Queer rights!
Momzania for LGBTQIA+ rights!
Not a phase!
Bee proud!
Bee brave!
Refuse to be invisible!
Neopronouns are valid!
All pronouns are valid!
Xenogenders are valid!
All inclusive!
So proud of you Liv!
Momzania is proud of Liv <3
From Momzania, to Livotine, with care, pride, and love <3
Respect Trans Folk!
Respect all pronouns!
All Transgender people are valid!
Transmasculines are valid!
Transfeminines are valid!
Trans Nonbinaries are valid!
Trans Women are Women!
Trans Men are Men!
Trans Enbies are Enbies!
Trans Rights are Human Rights!
Trans Gays are valid!
Trans Lesbians are valid!
Trans Bis are valid!
Trans Pans are valid!
Trans Aros are valid!
Protect Trans Kids!
Trans Xenogenders are valid!
Transgenders have always been here!
Transgenders are human too!
Some of us evolve differently!
Ask everyone’s pronouns always!
It’s okay to not want to transition!
It’s okay to not fully transition!
Never too late to be yourself!
Never too old to transition!
Never too old or young to be curious!
Never too old or young to discover yourself!
Don’t be Transphobic or your kneecaps will be stolen - Rox
You are Trans enough!
Asexuals are real, unicorns are not sadly
Ace up my sleeve!
Ace & Cake
Cake & Ace
Aro Aces are valid!
Nonbinary Aces are valid!
Cis Aces are valid!
Trans Aces are valid!
Hetero Aces are valid!
Queer Aces are valid!
Lesbian Aces are valid!
Gay Aces are valid!
M-spec Aces are valid!
Mono-spec Aces are valid!
Asexuality is a spectrum!
Asexuality is not always repulsed feelings!
Asexuality is not a choice!
Asexuality =/= Abstinence
Asexuality =/= Celibacy
A sexual relationship is not mandatory in a romantic relationship!
Aces don’t owe Allo compromise!
Respect Aces if they are uncomfortable with mature/explicit content!
Some Aces like to make explicit/mature jokes!
Some Aces like to talk about explicit/mature themes!
Not all aces are against having other types of relationships!
Aces are not prudes!
Aces are lovely people!
Aces just want to eat cake and have fun!
Asexual Spectrum is valid!
Asexuals are not always plants!
My sexual preference is NOPE!
Don’t ruin my ACEthetic!
Cake is better!
Asexuals will not be lonely!
Asexuals don’t have a problem!
Asexuality is not a mental or physical illness!
Don’t be Aphobic or your kneecaps will be stolen - Rox
You are Ace enough!

Some minor rules I'd like to put in place for this pack:

- Do not claim as yours. If you edit bits and pieces, you have a partial claim. If you use it as a base to create your own and change everything, then the one you make is all yours.
- Do not upload anywhere (publicly) unless you change everything about the pack! Sharing among friends is fine.
- Do not sell the pack, it is free!
- Do not use to mock or discriminate!
- If you'd like to use this pack while streaming/recording videos, it would be awesome if you crediting me (Roxzania) somewhere. But you don't have to, but it would be nice :D

If you have recommendations for this pack or other packs, please contact me here or my socials:
And if you'd like to support me and projects like these, please consider donating;
Special Note: I will take suggestions for new packs, but there is no guarantee I will start on them right away! I do have my own list of what I'd like to do, so please be patient. Especially since I am making these for free and there is no guarantee I will be receiving any donations from this strictly. This is something I like to do and I feel like it makes my streams a little nicer.