Translations for Sodium

Translations for Sodium


Unofficial Sodium Translations

Unofficial Sodium Translations

This repository hosts unofficial translations for Sodium, a Minecraft mod designed to improve frame rates and reduce micro-stutter. Please see the FAQ for Frequently Asked Questions and supplimentary information about the project.


All translations in this repository are available as a resource pack, which you can install like any other resource pack. Simply grab the latest release and put it into your resource pack folder.

Download: Modrinth | CurseForge | GitHub

Keeping up to date


By submitting translations, you are agreeing to have them licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.

You can contribute to the translation effort on our Crowdin project page! First you'll need to register a Crowdin account if you haven't already. Translators are able to translate (submit a translation for an untranslated phrase), suggest (propose a better translation compared to an existing one), or vote (vote up or down the quality of a translation).

Please note that new versions will be created every Saturday if there are changes. If you don't see the most recent translations, please check back later for a new release.

For more information on using Crowdin, please see their "Intro For Volunteer Translators" support page.


Can I include this in my CurseForge/Modrinth/packwiz/whatever modpack?

Yes! Everyone can do it, don't need any special permission.

Current translation is wrong or I don't know how to translate it

Please open an issue on the phrase.

My language is not listed or I want to become a proofreader

Please request it on Crowdin Discussions.

Will you translate Sodium into minority or fictional languages?

Currently this project will not include fictional (e.g. Esperanto), "joke" (e.g. LOLCAT) or minority languages (speakers less than 1 million or insufficient translations in official Minecraft project). The reason is simple - these languages are easy to abuse and hard to proofread.

Where can I find the original language file?

At the moment, dev/stable branch en_us.json is used, along with some older strings.

Why does this exist?

Sodium used to have a translation platform. It was announced and it stayed around for about 2 years, but the translations on it were not used in the mod. After that, amnotbananaama, a moderator in CaffeineMC Discord, created and maintained this repo and Crowdin. That project became stagnant as well, as it was easy for users to contribute, but not use the translations in-game. Then myself and Reese came around and made it sustainable, with some help from the Discord user piuvas. Now everyone can contribute easily and download the languages as a resource pack :)

Will Sodium ever get translations built-in to the mod?

Seems so, as an issue was made for it by jellysquid3. It is currently unclear if it will include these translations and if it will happen on Crowdin, but we are open to giving full access to this project if jellysquid3 so decides.