Updated Seeds

Updated Seeds


Wheat, melon, and also pumpkin seeds were left out on 1.14, so I decided to update them, this pack updates them to look more realistic and more in-line with JAPPA's style.
Works from versions 1.14 to 1.17, just ignore the made for a newer version warning.
Original from PMC, note that the creator is me: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/updated-wheat-seeds/

-Terms and Conditions-

- You need to have my permission to use these assets in your pack.
- After having my permission to use my work, you MUST give proper credit:
  - Include a credits.txt file in pack with my pack and profile link.
-You cannot put these assets behind paywalls.
-You cannot upload this pack as it is, without any modifications or additions.
-Use in showcases, let's plays, or any other type of video is completely fine as long as you credit me and linked the pack.

Here's a comparison: