Vivid Torrential Changes

Vivid Torrential Changes


Note: This pack is developed for 1.8+ and will not fully work in lower versions. If you're using something lower (1.7/1.6), or do not want custom models, you should use the legacy version. While the legacy version will work in 1.8, I HIGHLY recommend against using it unless you are experiencing major issues with this version.

Current news: 

(July 7, 2015NOTE TO ANY WHO ENJOY THIS PACK: The plans I had for a re-release of the pack seem to be mostly destroyed. It was revealed at Minecon (in the behind the scenes panel) that both entity models and GLSL shaders aren't likely to be in the beginning snapshots, and it didn't sound like they even had the manpower to focus on them so they might not even make it into 1.9.

My initial plans were to take advantage of entity models and GLSL shaders (especially this if they were done in a way they could be applied to ANY specifc thing) to make the pack much better and more unique similarly to how I did with custom block/item models. Since the whole thing is reliant on that, I likely will not re-release until these feature are added (if ever). 

(March 16 2015): New models! Bucket, wooden bowl, potions, etc. Also some new coarse dirt, and redid cow and leather stuff so armor can now be dyed(useful mostly for server minigame teams)!

Here is what you get with the custom models in 1.8+:

Before you download

Resolution: 16x
Style: Pixel Art (freestyle)
Theme: Colorful, bright, happy, vanilla-ish
Age: Over 3 years of production
Completion: Very complete; almost all blocks/items are done, and many miscellaneous textures are, too. Some things still need to be redone.
Mod support: MCpatcher and Optifine
Mods "required": No 

Usage rights and terms: The terms you agree to by downloading VTC:

What you may do:

  • download and use the pack (obviously)
  • edit for personal use only
  • make mod support for the pack, only with pre-approved consent by me
  • upload screenshots of Minecraft to the internet that were taken while using the pack
  • upload videos to youtube of Minecraft gameplay while using the pack
    • please link to this page (or PMC) in the description, and tell me about it
  • monetize videos, but please no pre-video video (TrueView streaming, unless maybe the video is 30 minutes or longer, or the pack is not the focus of the video) ads.
    • Also, please don't restrict how the video can be played either (such as disabling embedding or changing syndication to only monetized platforms).
  • distribute to any of your own devices for use, archive, or transfer
  • distribute through non-internet (USB, LAN, bluetooth) connections to individuals without an internet connection
  • distribute through maps or servers (which may be monetized) so long as the pack's name is mentioned within (signs, information books, or automated chat messages... bonus if the book or chat message is an actual link) and is linked back to this page on whatever distributes/announces the map/server (be it MCF, PMC, Curse, or something else). Please link to this my pack's page on PMC or Curse.

What you may not do:

  • distribute the pack or any pieces in any way, barring the few conditions in the section above
  • claim this pack as your own work
  • make any money off of this pack by link shorteners or direct sale (as said above, monetization of works such as videos/maps/servers is ok)
  • distribute to those who have the intent to re-distribute it themselves
  • use this pack as a "base" for your own work
  • imitate or copy this work. such as copying specific designs
  • use the textures in your own game,whether free or paid

If you are not sure about if something is OK (specifically where I give situationals), contact me before doing it.

What is Vivid Torrential Changes?

It's a self-inspired Minecraft resource pack with plenty of new ideas to add in some lore, or just to change the feel of the game. It follows crafting recipes and technical ideas.

The pack is optimised so files that don't matter aren't included, and the files that are there take up less space, so your download is quicker.

Highly complete, the pack not only features regular textures, but also modifies/redos the more "technical" ones, sounds, language, shaders, and even utilizes MCpatcher features to look better. As more features are added into vanilla and MCpatcher, I will modify the pack to utilize them. Eventually, I'll make a "light" version of the pack that only includes "necessary" elements, and not "convenient" ones.

The pack has been improving along with my skill for a while, but the pack isn't very popular, and I make the pack mainly for myself as I don't even know how many people feel about it. Lately, I haven't changed much vanilla stuff, as I don't know what to do. Feedback would be very appreciated, whether it is what/why you like/don't like something.

There is also more info on VTC's PMC page. It's not all here because it takes up much space, this site doesn't use of all BBCode tags (including spoilers which I use to conserve space), and PMC doesn't have a raw BBCode option in submissions and doesn't copy over properly.