YoursCraft HD Vanilla Faithful

YoursCraft HD Vanilla Faithful


Yourscraft is an HD texture pack which is extrapolated from the default 16X16 textures, partly by hand but mostly by a machine learning algorithm designed to increase the resolution of photographs. The general intent of the pack is to make a smooth pack with just the right amount of detail, without some of the unnecessary environment-specific details a lot of HD packs add, like faux directional shading or spots of algae on "underwater" blocks, in order to make textures that would be instantly recognizable compared to the defaults and that could be used with as many other blocks and in as many environments/build types as possible.

IMPORTANT! Starting with 1.18 the unfinished portions of the pack (mobs, items, gui, etc.) have been moved into a separate pack called "Yourscraft Extras", in the files tab.

You can now support this pack on my Patreon for exculsive alternate block textures, HD wallpapers, and news on WIP content! I'm also considering a patron server and possibly support for a few mods.