Zi Yun Pixel

Zi Yun Pixel


English version

  1. This is a 8 years MC players with spare time to do out of the material package! At first, I wanted to do the original red stone enhancement material package, but I got deep into it!
  2. So from version 0.5, step by step to figure out their own style!
  1. At present there are still many places not good enough to do not enough with, slowly, one day I can make my own material package!
  1. 这是一个8年MC玩家用业余时间做出来的材质包!
  2. 一开始是想做原版红石增强材质包的,但是做着做着就深陷其中!
  3. 所以从0.5版本开始,一步步摸索出自己的风格!
  4. 目前还是有很多地方做的不够好不够搭配,慢慢来,总有一天能做出来我自己的材质包!

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