ANIMATED BOSS BAR Scrolling for EnderDragon Wither Ticker Text for all mobs entities

This concept works for ALL mobs already in ALL Minecraft versions between 1.8 and 1.10,

but for BOSSES it works ONLY starting with 1.11, or in 1.8 (NOT 1.9.x or 1.10.x! Boss bars broke there!)

★★ Meri's Cool Creative Candies | Tools / Inventions | Minecraft CREATIVE Vanilla by Meri the LapisDemon ★★

 Youtube Playlist of my Cool Creative Candies

My Youtube channel

LICENSE (see "DO's" and "DON'Ts" below)

★★ ☿ Minecraft 1.11 ANIMATED BOSS BAR Scrolling Ticker Text all mobs / entities | LapisDemon ★★

Hy there guys and gals, this is Meri the LapisDemon with Cool Creative Candies, today with an update to an old 1.8 invention: Scrolling Ticker Text with which you can display a scrolling text in the names bar of each entity, all mobs and ArmorStands!

November 2014 I showed you how to let entities display not only names 
but even scrolling ticker text. This included also boss bars!

Boss bars displaying custom names broke July 2015 with the first 1.9 snapshot.

Now with the first 1.11 snapshot custom-named boss bars are back!

Which means also boss bar TICKER TEXTS can be done again!

The technique to display scrolling text is still the same:

You can still simply use commandblocks with repeaters inbetween or use a delay method via CommandBlocks, if you prefer so.

Since 1.9 I use the Tags tag to target entities more easily, also for displaying ticker text.

Link to my 1.8 beginner tutorial for the basic ticker method in the Outro of my video, also a link to my video how to animate the EnderDragon!

Just watch the inserted video above in this post for a visualization of what I wrote }=)

Follow me on my Twitter account LapisDemon for sneak peeks of what I'm working on, for example, more generators or texturepack addons.
I really do love to interact with my Tweetlings there, so say hello if you like };]


This concept is designed for Minecraft 1.9+, as it contains the "Tags" tag; mobs/entities will display a scrolling tickertext regardless the MC version (1.7+) with my method, but BOSS BARS only work below 1.9 and starting again with 1.11!

Download the world to have a closer look into the commands and also to see any current bugs or restrictions!

I'll keep the video and video description updated via annotations if anything changes!


★★★ DO ★★★
Use this concept in a YouTube video, please also provide a link to my Youtube channel so others can get that machine, if they want: - I'm not putting downloadlinks behind, so a bit of support from your side would be really kind, thank you!
Edit anything in the concept.
► Attribution — In case you change the concept and make it available for others: Please give appropriate credit to me.

★★★ DON'T ★★★
► NonCommercial — You may NOT use my worldsavefile for commercial purposes, aside from using it in also monetized Youtube videos.
The non-commercial refers to: You are NOT allowed to put this worldsave behind or any other commercial setup that gains you royalties of any kind.
► NoDerivatives — If you transform, or build upon the worldsavefile, you may NOT distribute the modified material.

That means you are NOT allowed to make this worldsavefile available via download, but of course you can show off the also modified world (or commands) in a video or on a Livestream!

If you build upon it, please add a backlink to my Youtube channel LapisDemon as inspiration source in your descriptions of your posts (incl. videos).
► No additional restrictions — You may NOT apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
As always, take care, have fun gaming, and: Seeya!
☿ Meri ♥