


*Use 26 or + chunks of visual distance
*Use optifine

*Played in Minecrafr 1.13.2
*Compatible with Minecraft 1.13.2 / 1.13.1 / 1.13

*File version: 0.03

*Update version: 0.03

*Stable release.

*Category: Redstone device.

Normals functions: 
*Aritmetic basic (+ - * /)
*Potentiation lifted to 2

Property of the updates:

I added some new functions and improvements, compatible with MC 1.13.x or higher

List of new functions added: 
*Square root calculation
*Percentage calculation
*Copy result in A or B inputs. Now available for fraction mode
*Fraction calculation (+ - * /) with manual or automatic simplification
*Fraction simplification.

List of new improvements added:
*Potentiation is now available lifted to 3 4 5 6 7
*Can calculate potentiations in fraction mode

*Now can use DECIMAL POINT in the A and B inputs using ( + - and * ) functions, still not compatible with the division, nor the square root

*Security sistem: this prevent that the player accidentally make bad driving of the calculator.
*Fractions simplificator fixed up

Circuits propities:


_Max input: 32 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 32 bits (Binary)
_Speed: Fast
_Has an temporally memory in input A for fraction calculator.

_Max input: 32 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 64 bits (Binary)
_Speed: Fast
_is connected with an driver for potentiation calculator lifted to 3 4 and 5
_has various conections for percentaje and fractions calculation.

*Divider (8 bits)
_Max input: 8 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 8 bits (Binary)
_Speed: Fast
_has various connections for normals divisions, fraction calculator and fraction simplification.

*Divider (32 bits)
_Max input: 32 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 32 bits (Binary)
_Speed: Very slow
_has various connections for normals divisions, percentaje calculator, fraction calculator and fraction simplification.

*Square root calculator (SQRT)
_Max input: 17 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 27 bits (RSDAT)
_Speed: Mid
_Cyclic circuit
__Cicle time: Very Short


*BCD Decoder (64 bits)
_Max input: 64 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 20 digits (BCD)
_Speed: Since fast to very slow
_Connected with all functions less division rest

*BCD Decoder (32 bits)
_Max input: 32 bits (Binary)
_Max output: 10 digits (BCD)
_Speed: Since fast to very slow
_Conected with rest division and fraction screen

*X2 Decimal to Binary Decoder
_Max input: 4 bit
_Max output: 32 bit
_Speed: Fast

*Binary Decoder (32 bits)
_Max input: 35 bits, uses 27 bits (RSDAT)
_Max output 34 bits, uses 32 bits (Binary)
_Speed: Fast
_Connected with SQRT Calculator and BCD Decoder (64 bits)


*Decimal Point controller
_Max comma input: 10x2 Power (RI)
_Max comma output: 19 pulses ( I/O )
_Max BCD output: 10x2 digits (BCD)
_The device uses mostly the intensity of the redstone
_Speed: Mid

*Potentiation controller
_Max input: 32 bits in input A, 3 bits in input B (Binary)
_Max output: 36 bits (Binary)
_Speed: Mid
_Cyclic circuit
__Cycle time: Short

*Fraction calculator controller
_Max input: 14 bits (Uses others devices for read binary inputs)
_Max output: 32 bits (Uses others devices for send binary outputs)
_Speed: Fast to Mid
_Cyclic circuit
__Cycle time: Short

*Fraction simplificator controller
_Max input: 10 digits (BCD)
_Max output: 10 digits (BCD)
_Speed: Slow to Extremely slow
_Cyclic circuit
__Cycle time: Mid using 8 bits divider, Very long using divider 32 bits


*Fraction calculator memory
_Max input: 4 bits (Bynary)
_Max output: 4 bits (Binary) and 1 bit for zero interpretation
_Speed: Mid
_4 parts with 4x4 bits slot each 
_Cyclic circuit
__Cycle time: Short